We are a collection of furry instances on the Fediverse, which is just a fancy way of saying we are a bunch of servers that federate together, allowing furries to join the wider Fediverse. To ease the confusion, Fediverse just means a collection of servers that all communicate with each other. Mastodon, Pleroma, Pixelfed, and more are all pieces of software that speak Activity Pub, which is the protocol the Fediverse runs on.
There is no ownership of the wider Fediverse, just instances. All instances are operated by real people and not faceless companies (or at least the ones listed on this site). Which means you are moderated by other real furries and server costs are managed by your instance admins. Or if you are nerdy enough, you can host your own and federate with the rest of us!
Joining is simple and easy, just pick a server from below or click the button right below this paragraph to get started. Or if you are nerdy like stated before set up your own server... but I still think it is best to start out on an existing instance first. You will be able to move easily with all your followers if you want.
Note: You may feel like you should join a LARGE instance, but you should keep in mind the larger the instance, the most costly it is on your instance owner. Also, it doesn't matter what instance you are on, as you can follow and people can follow you, no matter which instance you join. We are all interconnected!
Tools To Get You Going!
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Recommended Apps (in no particular order)
Note: The order of instances is randomized each time you reload the page, we do not endorse any instance over any other.
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Pixelfur is a Pixelfed instance. Specialised in giving Artists a space
Furry focused instance for critters that like to bark! LGBTQ+ run and friendly, active moderation
This instance aimed at any and all within the furry fandom, though anyone is welcome! We're friendly towards members of the LGBTQ+ community and aiming to offer a safe space for our users.
A small instance welcoming anyone in the LGBTQ+ community or the furry fandom.
18+ queer, furry and nerd friendly general interest instance. Quieter and less chaotic than big instances, with relaxed moderation policies. Perfect for folk who want a peaceful corner to themselves.
Tiggi.es🐯 is an LGBTQIA+🏳️🌈/BIPOC:bipoc:/Body Positive👍🏾/Furry🐶/Tech💻/Geek🤓/Creative🎨/Automotive🚘/Maker🛠️/Gaming-centric👾/Photog📸 instance run by Burrs and pals powered by ☀️ energy!
Furs.Social, a community for furries and friends! This is a place for all members of the furry community to connect and share content.
Another server for the furry community. We have some special features related to higher quality images and video on our instance. Check out https://furries.club/about
a generalistic furry mastodon instance [ art of @Lio by angiewolfartist ]
A LGBTQ+ friendly multi-fandom instance for newcomers to the fediverse. Open to furries, artists and techies!
A Twitter alternative for cacklers! Run by hyenas, participated by hyenas. All furry species allowed. A safe space for all shapes, sizes, and species.
Social Network for foxes, furries and scalies alike on the Internet. Hosted in Sydney, Australia.
We’re here! We’re queer! We’ve got cats!
This is a furry friendly server for anyone in the furry community or anyone looking for a home. There is no fee and anyone can join.
A gateway to the Fediverse and social media platform for the Furry Refuge community! Meet Up, Game On, Chill Out! CONNECT TO OUR SERVER WITH A MOBILE APP: https://joinmastodon.org/apps
We welcome all marginalized identities. This Mastodon instance is generally for folks who are LGBTQIA+ and Allies with an interest in tech work, academics, or technology in general.
This instance is focused around the furry fandom and is open to all fluffies and scalies!
Queer, tech and furry instance. Open to anyone that fits the atmosphere, come on in!
A queer and cozy instance for therians, anthro & feral furries, pups, and fans of animal fiction such as TLK, Warrior Cats, Felidae... Well federated via 4+ furry relays. Run by staff of yiffit.net
A silly instance of Mastodon for queer folk and non-queer folk alike. Let's be friends!
Server for all the Cruxes to make Crux sounds
(+18) - Giving Dergs and other affiliated Scalie friendos the Space (ha) to Rawr (haha!)
A space for the furry transformation community.
General purpose, English instance founded on principles of respect, inclusion, and positivity. 500 character limit.
LGBTQIA+ Friendly server for Oceanic furries. Welcome to all the fluffs down under!
THICC.HORSE -- Lewd not rude! Body positivity, LGBTQIA+, Furry, horny on main! A small instance with active moderation.
All of good heart are welcome, regardless of their race, gender, or species. Membership is open—the approval is to weed out harmful bots and spam accounts. Come for a swim! The sharks don't bite.
Furry.Energy is a UK based Mastodon Server oriented towards those in the furry & LGBTQA+ communities. Techie? Musician? Gamer? Hiking? Share your hobbies too, all are welcome!
Furry focussed Pixelfed, a photo and image sharing platform with a decentralised and ethical approach!
Welcome to KitsuClub! We're a friendly li'il instance for anyone and everyone to stop on by!<br /> <br /> Logo by @narretje@nederland.gay<br /> Background art by @LianSirenia@kitsunes.club<br /> (thank you both!)
Welcome to KitsuGay! Hub of the horny™. We're operated by KitsuClub.
A squeaky server for members of the Looner/Inflatables community. This is a multilingual instance.
An instant photo sharing platform for furries over the Fediverse. LGBTIQA+ friendly, all furries and scalies welcome!
Khenartis Rast. Dies ist ein "Apply Only" Server. Bedeutet: Schreibt warum ihr hier sein wollt.
A general topic server that is open to all. Instance is furry-adjacent but not it's primary topic focus.
Just a silly mstdn server setup for monster and fae types, and their friends~
18+ queer, furry and nerd friendly general interest instance. Quieter and less chaotic than big instances, with relaxed moderation policies. Perfect for folk who want a peaceful corner to themselves.
A generalized Sharkey instance for Furries and LGBT (all inclusive). Manual registration approval required!
A general topic server that is open to all. Instance is furry-adjacent but not it's primary topic focus.
Derg Social provides a home for the dragons of the Fediverse and the furry fandom. Open for registrations :)
Welcome to OwO Town! This is a Mastodon instance targeted at members of the furry community but anyone is welcome to join! Be sure to check our rules! The TLDR is be nice.
Our Mastodon server is a welcoming space where furries and therians can freely express themselves, share their art, talk about nerdy topics and celebrate their identities without judgment.
A queer and kink-friendly den for creatures and furries. 18+ only.
The Dragon tavern, a cozy tavern designed to be a LGBTQ+ safe space. Friendly, VRChat, DnD, Gamers, Furries, Scalies.
(shutdown on 6/30/2025) Furstown—yet another furry fandom–focused Mastodon instance!
한국 퍼리(수인) 모두를 위한 마스토돈 서버, kurry(k-furry)입니다! 퍼리(수인)에 관심이 있거나 퍼리(수인)이신 분들, 퍼슈터분들 모두 환영합니다!
The Wuffi.es Sharkey instance, Brother site to Tiggi.es, with the same theme of Furry, LGBTQIA+, Tech, Cars, Photography, and now, featuring more SuchaGoodBoys! 🐺
A small fluffy Mastodon / Glitch-Soc / Fediverse home for the LGBTQIA+ furries, therians and otherkin beings. Yip!!!! We use relays to gain more interesting posts, especially from furry instances.
Just a floofy Instance
A small place for critters tired of modern social media. Also check out critters.gay!
An instance aimed at techies and engineers of all types within the furry fandom, but anyone is welcome. We're an LGBTQ+ friendly community and aiming to offer a safe space for our users.
A Mastodon instance for all ursine folk and friends. 🐻 Aimed at being an inclusive and cozy space for all, serving primarily the furry and LGBTQ communities.
Mastodon instance for furries of the larger, tubbier persuasion.
This instance focuses on the macro/micro side of furries. We're open to both big and small~
A Mastodon Instance open to all! That said we do have a minor focus on Tech, 3D Art, VRChat, Resonite, ChillOut, SecondLife, etc... Come chill with other CyberFurz!
The fuzziest cubhub on the fediverse! A Mastodon instance for babyfurs, diaperfurs, middles, caretakers, and anyone interested in the community! 18+ Users Only
Babyfurs (furry subculture) instance. 18+ only.
A primary furry/tech instance full of wonderful beans.
A server for fursuiters, fursuit makers, and fursuit enthusiasts.
Social Network for foxes, furries and scalies alike on the Internet. Hosted in Sydney, Australia.
Welcome to Cafe Gulp! We put the "Fed" in Fediverse. We are an adult oriented website themed around vore and endosomaphila. 🔞
A transformation-focused instance for artists, writers, roleplayers and enjoyers of transformation. Very friendly to all subcultures.
A safe space for tech-centered LGBTQI+ folks and furries. Short non-descriptive join reasons will get you IP banned. Same with join spamming. Rules last updated: 2023/08/4
Wolfhaus Fediverse - A haven for 3D artists and other WoW critters. Funded by Patreon supporters.
Welcome to Squawk.Social! This server is made with Bird/Avian/Gryphon furries in mind. But anyone is welcome!
A fediverse instance for Furries who band together ... and play, or like music! Rules, Terms, and such: https://terrencethefox.com/fediverse/furry-band
Welcome to birdbutt! This instance is home to avian/bird/featheries/furries and more!
Dragonchat- By dragons, for dragons.
Devoted to furries who love big things, puffy things, and puffy things getting bigger!
Pixel Tiggies! 🐯 is an LGBTQIA+🏳️🌈/BIPOC:bipoc:/Body Positive👍🏾/Furry🐶/Tech💻/Geek🤓/Creative🎨/Automotive🚘/Maker🛠️/Gaming-centric👾/Photog📸 Pixelfed instance run by Burrs and pals powered by ☀️ energy!